general medicine case presentation

40 yr old male patient who is daily wage labourer by occupation came to OPD with
Chief complaint
of pain abdomen since 5 days associated with fever since 2 days 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days ago then he developed pain which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive which is diffuse , squeezing type and radiating to back .
Pain is relieved on medication .
No C/O of vomitings , loose stools , burning micturition ,cough,cold , chest pain , SOB 

Past history:-
N/K/C/O TB , hypertension, diabetes, Asthma, epilepsy , CAD, thyroid disorders .

Personal hisrory:-
Diet - mixed 
Appetite- normal
Bowel and bladder -regular
Sleep - adequate
Addictions - regular alcohol intake of 250 ml per day since 20 yrs .
No food allergies and drug allergies

General examination:-
Pallor - yes 
Edema -absent 
Clubbing - absent 
Lymphadenopathy - absent 
Icterus - absent 
Cyanosis absent

Temperature - 100.1F
Spo2- 98%
PR- 100/min

Systemic examination:-
Per abdomen examination

Patient exposed from nipple to mid thigh and examined in supine position 


  • Shape:Distended flanks full 

  • Umbilicus:inverted,vertically drawn down

  • Skin over the abdomen is shiny

  • No visible peristalsis,

  • Palpation:

    On superficial Palpation 

    • All inspectory findings are confirmed 

    • Tenderness+

    • ,diffuse all quadrants

    • No Rebound tenderness 

  • No guarding,rigidity


    Shifting dullness  absent 

    fluid thrill absent 

    Liver span-12cm

    Percussion of spleen : dullness in 9th inter coastal space of anterior axillary line 


    Bowel sounds+

    No arterial bruit,



    • Shape of chest:Bilaterally symmetrical,Elliptical in shape

    • No visible chest deformities

    • Abdomino thoracic respiration,No irregular respiration

    • No tracheal shift

    • No dropping of shoulders, on both sides,no sinuses,scars,engorged veins

    Palpation:inspectory findings confirmed by Palpation 

    • Chest movements -normal

  • Percussion:

    Resonant note heard over all areas 


    Norma vesicular breath sounds

    , breath sounds normal 

    Cardiovascular system:

    Inspection:precordium normal,apex beat :5th ICS half inch medial to mid clavicular line

    Palpation:inspectory findings confirmed,No thrills or parasternal heave

    Auscultation: S1S2+,no murmurs


    patient is arousable 

    No signs of meningitis 

    cranial nerves intact,motor and sensory examination normal

    No cerebellar or meningeal signs


    Reflexes          Rt.      Lt 
    Knee                3+.      3+
    Biceps               3+.    3+
    Triceps              3+.    3+
    Supinator          2+.    2+
    Knee                  3+.     3+

                  Right.        Left 
    UL.        2/5.           3/5
    LL.          2/5.         3/5

    provisional diagnosis :-
  • Acute pancreatitis ( non necrotizing type) peripancreatic fluid collection.


    1 .IV fluids 125ml/hr 
    2.injec.zoffer 4 mg IV
    3.inj Tramadol 1 ampoul in 100ml NS
    4.inj piptaz 4 to 5 mg 
    5. Inj pan 40 mg IV
    6.inj neomol 1gm IV


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