
Showing posts from October, 2023


A 24yr old female patient came to the  OPD with  chief complaints  of fever since   10 days and cough since two days  HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago then developed high grade fever with chills and rigors which was continuous type and relieved. Temporarily on IV medication. Fever is mainly during the night time. It is associated with headache, generalised weakness and abdominal pain after having food. Then developed dry cough since two days occasionally which resolves spontaneously  No c/o Rash retro orbital pain, cold vomiting, loose stools burning micturation,  no bleeding manifestations  No c/o chest pain, SOB ,Palpitations    decreased urine output orthopnea ,PND  Past History  H/o appendicectomy N/K/C/O HTN, DM ,CAD, seizures TB,seizures, asthma  Personal history Mixed diet  appetite-normal  Bowel and bladder- regular  General examination  Patient was conscious coherent, cooperative Not adequately built and    nourished Sign of Pallor present.                 

general medicine case presentation

40 yr old male patient who is daily wage labourer by occupation came to OPD with Chief complaint of pain abdomen since 5 days associated with fever since 2 days  HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days ago then he developed pain which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive which is  diffuse , squeezing  type and radiating to back . Pain is relieved on medication . No C/O of vomitings , loose stools , burning micturition ,cough,cold , chest pain , SOB  Past history:- N/K/C/O TB , hypertension, diabetes, Asthma, epilepsy , CAD, thyroid disorders . Personal hisrory:- Diet - mixed  Appetite- normal Bowel and bladder -regular Sleep - adequate Addictions - regular alcohol  intake of 250 ml per day  since 20 yrs . No food allergies and drug allergies General examination:- Pallor - yes  Edema -absent  Clubbing - absent  Lymphadenopathy - absent  Icterus - absent  Cyanosis absent  Vitals:- Temperature - 100.1F BP-85/60 Spo2- 98% RR-20pm PR- 100/min Systemic examination:- Per ab

general medicine case presentation

58 year old male patient brought to casualty with chief complaints of SOB since 15 Fever since 15 days Burning micturition since 15 days HOPI: He was apparently a symptomatic six months back And then develop lower back and abdominal pain for which he was taken to a local practitioner where the diagnosed it as a renal failure and patient has taken a conservative management for three months and then patient has stopped taking medication. Then two months back, he developed swelling in the both lower limbs, which was gradually progressive.  Then he had developed fever, 15 days back which is of low-grade, intermittent on and off associated with cough and vomiting. 3 to 4 episodes For one day and was not associated With chills, cold And raise of temperature.  At the same time, he has developed a burning maturation which is associated with pain, non-radiating type and non-associated with hesitancy and urgency.  Then he has developed shortness of breath. 15 days back, which was grade 2 MMRC. a